Increasing the Accuracy of our Judgements

Increasing the Accuracy of our Judgements

Trying to find interventions that accomplish the most good is extremely difficult. Sometimes we have to make uncertain and subjective judgement calls about the quality of some body of evidence, or make speculative forecasts about some unknown variable. It’s very important, therefore, to make sure that we use the best reasoning processes we can to try and improve the accuracy of our judgments.

This Topic focuses on a range of different tools that we might be able to use to increase our good judgment and ability to forecast well.

Key Material

Superforecasting Chapter 1, and Chapter 3 segment (60 mins.)
The Question of Evidence (Interactive - 35 mins.)

Further Reading

Forecasting and predictions (Video - 1hr.) Predicting what intervention will produce a positive impact using only expert consensus or deductive reasoning can be hard. Prediction markets and forecasting tournaments pose a potential solution.

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