What are the social and political challenges to alternative proteins?

What are the social and political challenges to alternative proteins?

This is a link post for the Alternative Protein Project by the Cambridge University Alt. Protein Society in collaboration with the Good Food Institute.

When discussing the science behind alternative proteins, we sometimes lose sight of the significant cultural role that food plays in people’s lives. Is it more than just a case of “if we build it, they will come”? Other than flavour and cost, what factors will play a role in consumer uptake of alternative proteins? Where might alternative proteins sit within religious or other cultural dietary practices?

The aim of this session is to get you thinking beyond the technological practicalities of alternative proteins and to consider meat’s place in society more broadly. You will examine the socio-political and regulatory hurdles involved, as well as considering the parallels with another major food technology, GMOs, and the lessons we can learn from that industry.

Core Material [~2hrs 5mins]:

Cell-cultured meat: Lessons from GMO adoption and resistance - Mohorčich & Reese (2019) [Paper, 50 minutes]

Further Resources:

Consumer acceptance of cultured meat: A systematic review - Bryant & Barnett (2020) [Paper, 45 mins]
The Red to Green Podcast - Season 3: Promoting Alternative Proteins (2021)

Next in the Alternative Proteins Technical Track

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