Case studies of interventions in wild animal welfare - population control

Case studies of interventions in wild animal welfare - population control


Are there promising ways to improve wild animal welfare via population control?
What work has been done already? What work might be done in the future?
  • What could 1 extra person do in this field? 10? 100?
Are there crucial issues from previous weeks where the view we take on them affects how good we think these interventions will be?
What advantages are there to working on population control? What disadvantages?
  • How do these pros and cons compare to the other case studies we have looked at?
What new information would be most useful for this field?


You might want to prioritise just reading these websites, to see what is already being or might be done:

Oxitec, Our Technology (5 mins)
American Bird Conservancy, Trap, Neuter, Release (5 mins)

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