What does the alternative protein industry currently look like, and what opportunities are there?

What does the alternative protein industry currently look like, and what opportunities are there?

This is a link post for the Alternative Protein Project by the Cambridge University Alt. Protein Society in collaboration with the Good Food Institute.

Now that you know the basics of alternative proteins, what are the opportunities for you in this space? Could you join an alt. protein company, or even start your own? Could you direct your research towards this field or start an Alt. Protein Society at your own institution? Might you want to work in alt. protein policy and regulation?

This session encourages you to consider the most exciting and impactful things you could be doing in the alt. protein space. Through these resources and the careers fair we aim to show examples of people who have gone and done just that, as well as providing opportunities for you to do the same. Crucially, this field is still incredibly young and so there is enormous potential to make a huge impact however you see fit.

Core Material [~2hrs + Careers Fair]:

State of the Industry Reports (Pick One):

GFI State of the Industry: Plant-based meat, eggs, and dairy video, slides or report [1hr]
GFI State of the Industry: Fermentation for alternative proteins video, slides or report [1hr]
GFI State of the Industry: Cultivated meat video, slides and report [1hr]
GFI State of the Industry: Alternative seafood video and report [40 mins]
Material Innovation Initiative State of the Industry Report: Next-Gen Materials
Pioneers of the Future of Food: Profiles of trailblazing scientists and engineering building a sustainable food system - Good Food Institute (2019) [Report, 30 mins]. Choose 3 profiles (of 9) and read through them.

Depending on your interests, check out some of these GFI resources [~15 mins each]:

The Alt. Protein Project is the GFI’s global student movement. If you are currently at a University or institution that doesn’t have an Alt. Protein Society then this would be a great framework to start your own! Check out the Student Group Guide for first steps.
Alt. Protein Career Portal is a great starting point for searching for alt. Protein careers
Collaborative Researcher Directory is a database of researchers working in alt. protein fields. If you are searching for a lab to do a Master’s, PhD or PostDoc then this is a great starting point.
Startup Manual is GFI’s guide to how to start your own company in the space